Using the liters conversion above, the formula to find how many liters are in a barrel is: Liters = ft 3 × 28.3168 Barrel Liters Formula You can find how many liters are in a barrel just like finding gallons. Thus, the formula to find how many gallons are in a barrel is: Gallons = ft 3 × 7.480507 Barrel Gallons Formula Gallons can be found using the cubic feet to gallons formula: To find how many gallons are in the barrel, simply convert the total volume to gallons. The capacity of a barrel is often measured in gallons.
Middle radius = 26 ÷ 2 middle radius = 13 Top/bottom radius = 21 ÷ 2 top/bottom radius = 10.5 Example: For a 53-gallon whiskey barrel with a height of 36″, a top/bottom diameter of 21″, and a middle diameter of 26″